(Registration for Bee School 2025 is closed.)

About Bee School...

The Course: Practical Beekeeping

The Essex County Beekeepers' Association is offers a nine week course for beginning beekeepers and others with an interest in bees. It runs from February - April each year.

Practical Beekeeping is an introductory level course designed to provide students, with no previous knowledge or experience with beekeeping, the necessary information and skills to keep honeybees and produce honey and beeswax.

The course includes instruction on:

  • bee biology
  • required equipment
  • setting up bee hives
  • acquiring and installing bees
  • managing bees through the seasons
  • harvesting bee products
  • local bee supply dealers

We guide you through what you need to get and where to purchase.

We demonstrate an installation of live bees in a hive, as new beekeepers will typically do. Check the web site for updates.

Interested in Next Year's Bee School?